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000228_owner-lightwave-l _Sun Oct 16 00:27:28 1994.msg
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Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 16:09:28 -0700 (MST)
From: Ernie Wright <ernie@gaspra.pd.com>
Subject: List questions
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
I have a couple of "list maintenance" type questions.
1. Are people really using the Subject to filter the list into threads?
When I'm replying to a list question, I sometimes change the Subject
if I think it's no longer appropriate, or too long, or just totally
non sequitur. But folks are sometimes saying things that seem to
indicate they haven't read my reply, and I'm charitable enough (or
egotistical enough) to entertain the possibility that this is my
fault because I changed the Subject.
2. Has someone been forwarding the "power user" message to folks who
aren't on the list? I don't mind, but I've gotten several personal
messages like SIDEWINDER's (Eric_Gieseke@fcircus.sat.tx.us), which
said only "wus this a misend? Just wondering..." I'm as mystified
as the rest of you. The only other theory I have is that to some it
looked off the subject, which I guess is true.
BTW, while I think the message was funny, I regret any distress it
may have caused the poor guy who used this phrase in innocence of
what I would do with it.
- Ernie